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ABS Weighting?

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According to the Michael G. DeGroote "pre-interview" formula, there is no section for the autobiographical sketch (ABS). However, I'm sure you all know that the sketch is indeed a requirements as indicated by OMSAS.


Can anyone confirm how this works, and how much the ABS weights?

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It was intended for CASPER to replace the autobiographical sketch...the only reason applicants still did the ABS this year was in case CASPER crashed or something (new system, potential bugs), and as far as I know it didn't


That seems to make the most sense. I guess that takes away the stress of having to perfect another ABS, and doubles it in the form of a career-determining computer test...... thank you Michael G. DeGroote, thank you.


Although OMSAS 2011/2012 hasn't been released yet (to my knowledge), I guess it's safe to assume that this coming cycle there will be no ABS period?

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That seems to make the most sense. I guess that takes away the stress of having to perfect another ABS, and doubles it in the form of a career-determining computer test...... thank you Michael G. DeGroote, thank you.


Although OMSAS 2011/2012 hasn't been released yet (to my knowledge), I guess it's safe to assume that this coming cycle there will be no ABS period?

Are you referring to the 48max item ABS or the 5 specific Mac application questions, because those are 2 different things. The ABS is for the general OMSAS application every year, but Mac doesn't look at that component. If you're talking about the 5 additional Mac app questions, they may still be there this cycle, as a back-up for CASPer failure, but it's still unclear whether that's needed or not.
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My bad, I didn't mean the 48 item autobiographical sketch, I meant to refer to the 5 essayish questions


If you go to the MD admissions website, there is a percentage breakdown of the weighting of each component pre- & post- interview somewhere in there

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