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What are my chances?

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I am a third year undergrad with a 3.84 GPA. My last MCAT score was 31N. For EC, I have two summers of research experience with no publication, lots of hospital volunteering but no shadowing, a few leadership positions for school clubs, and some minor music pursuit.


I am applying to a number of Canadian schools this year, but I'm wondering if it is worth applying to the US. If so, what are some schools that I may have a decent shot at? Thanks!

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Considering that you have a solid GPA, and your EC's are decent, I would apply to the US early and broadly. The only thing that may hold you back is the M, but I'm not sure how significant that is when applying to American medical schools. I'm sure someone on here will give you much better advice than me:p

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I am a third year undergrad with a 3.84 GPA. My last MCAT score was 31N. For EC, I have two summers of research experience with no publication, lots of hospital volunteering but no shadowing, a few leadership positions for school clubs, and some minor music pursuit.


I am applying to a number of Canadian schools this year, but I'm wondering if it is worth applying to the US. If so, what are some schools that I may have a decent shot at? Thanks!


Are you going to third or fourth year in September 2011? You can only apply to US in the final year if I understand it correctly?


Applied last year with 3.8 AMCAS GPA and 30 R MCAT with a similar personal profile. Received only one interview out of 12 schools which resulted in a wait list.

I think you need more than 32 MCAT and definitely above average personal profile. You should look through accepted/rejected thread! I believe people who were successful with <31 MCAT had either GPA>3.95 or had much longer life experiences aided by years of work or graduate school.

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Thank you both for helping!


I've finished my third year and am going into my fourth year. I have IP status for alberta. So I think I will likely get two interviews from UofC and UofA (especially due to my much improved modified GPA by UofA calculation).


I am rewriting the MCAT in early August in hope of getting a better MCAT score. Will I be able to use the new MCAT score releasing in September or am I stuck with the 31N I got last time?


There is also a cost concern on my part for both the application fee and the expensive tuition fee in case I get accepted.

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Thank you both for helping!


I've finished my third year and am going into my fourth year. I have IP status for alberta. So I think I will likely get two interviews from UofC and UofA (especially due to my much improved modified GPA by UofA calculation).


I am rewriting the MCAT in early August in hope of getting a better MCAT score. Will I be able to use the new MCAT score releasing in September or am I stuck with the 31N I got last time?


There is also a cost concern on my part for both the application fee and the expensive tuition fee in case I get accepted.


- Your MCAT score release date is good for U of A and U of C. If I were you, I would really really focus on those two applications and try to improve that N, especially for U of A.

- It takes a long time to put a very good US application and personal statement. IF you have not started yet, you are getting a bit late because people might have already submitted (check 2011-2012 amcas thread?).

-Some US schools will start looking at your application with "31N" while others will not even look at it till the second score is released. Other than things are getting late for you, you are not stuck with 31 N.

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