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last two consecutive years

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  • 4 weeks later...
Can someone explain this again?

If I took a full year and then took a year off school, and then took another full year, is this considered as "two consecutive years"?


Actually, I don't think it is considered as 2 consecutive years. Consecutive means 'in a row'. This means that you need to do 2 years of full time schooling in a row to be eligible. But I agree that you should contact dal med and check with them.....they seem to change the rules and regulations more often than other schools.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm pretty sure it would count. The way they use consecutive is just that they don't take any random years, like 1st and 4th. So as long as there isn't another year of university in between. But things can change so it is best to check with the office.

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