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Hi guys,

I know that some universities have like 10 vacancies left after the first round, does it mean that there are not enough ppl who apply for it, or does it mean not enough ppl who rank this programme high?


my question is, what are the chances that you apply to such a (not-so-competitive internal med) programme, but they decide NOT to rank you at all for all kinds of reasons??



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If the program does not want someone (usually because of a bad reputation or some incident), then they will not rank them. Better to have unfilled spots than to deal with headaches for the next 4 years.


Otherwise, most unfilled spots are due to lack of applicants, rather than poor applicant quality.

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If the program does not want someone (usually because of a bad reputation or some incident), then they will not rank them.


thanks for the reply

could you specify, though, what are "bad reputation" or "incident", like a doc who backstabbed you in reference letter? other examples?:confused:

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Like someone who is felt to be difficult to work with, argumentative, lazy. Some people even get labelled with these qualities from brief encounters, even if they are otherwise solid. These personal qualities can torpedo even the best candidate's chances. That's why clerks and residents should always try to get along with everyone, don't get too upset with non-urgent pages overnight, that kind of thing. It's not as uncommon as one might think, and generally has priority over questions about clinical acumen.

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