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Canadian with American MD coming to Canada for Residency

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Hi all,


I have found a few threads disccusing this topic from years past and am hoping I can get some recent insight from people who have been through the process (or anyone who would want to contribute).


Anyways, I am a Canadian who has been accepted into a mid to low tier American medical school and am wondering about the viability of returning to Canada for residency. I know to a degree doing something such as this is possible but how realistic would it be (assuming I do some electives in Canada and apply to specialties that are considered mid level in terms of competitiveness)? Also would it be even financially viable to want to return to Canada as I will likely have amassed close to 300K in debt by the time I have attained my MD. Also, what kinds of things should Canadians in American medical schools do to make themselves more "attractive" to Canadian residency programs?


Thanks for your help!

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12345 this is entirely possible and you will not be slotted into an IMG stream. You will be on parity with regular Canadian med students. The best thing to make yourself look attractive is to do electives in Canada with the programs you want to be in and do well on those electives. That's really it, there's no real USMLE equivalent that really matters as much in Canada. Deans letter doesn't really have those adjectives and descriptors like the secret deans code in the US. It really just boils down to references you get from key people on the committee and doing well and being a good guy to work with on your electives.


If you are serious about just matching into Canada, do most your electives in the specialty of your choice and then do 1-2 in family as back up. I had a friend who got into RFU in the states and came back and matched into Rad Onc 1st round. No problems whatsoever.

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