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Confusing Situation Academic score

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Hi all, I'm a science student in an honors degree at u of c entering 4th year. My GPA for the past three years as been 3.01, 3.17, and 3.50 with a full course load every semester. For the upcoming cycle, what would my academic score be roughly (/50)? Is it even possible to discern at this point? In addition, assuming I do well in the upcoming year, how would an A range academic year affect me in that catagory for the following cycle?


I ask these questions because i constantly worry that i'll never get into medical school because of my rough GPA. My extracurricular activities and research experience has been bountiful for a 20 year old, including a solid MCAT score (33Q), and references being up to par with other applicants. The only question is my gpa. How would i fare?


thanks for your time everyone. The support and feedback here has always been incredible.

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Your fourth year marks won't affect the academic calculation. As for the GPA, depends on your program (What department in science), the courses load (full meaning how many courses), the courses (evolution vs. physiologies, biochemistries), etc. So without that information, its hard to predict a score. My question would be why has the GPA not improved to >3.7? If I had to predict, lowest would be 30 and highest would be 35.


Academic: 30-35

MCAT: ~ 10 (check the manual for the exact number):

Application: It's all about how you word your top five activities, the number of hours put into the activities..

References: need to be excellent.

* All based on previoius years formulas (things may change this cycle, though I doubt it).


Your have a low chance, but none the less a chance (and thats all that matters). Make sure you spend time on making a killer app and getting amazing reference (if you can only get 2, then go with that, and get some lazy person as the 3rd so he won't end up writing the letter).


Depending on your VR, your might have better chances at McMaster.

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zxcv, I am in a health sciences program. I have taken full 5 courses per semester every semester and sometimes took 6 courses. In terms of courses, organic chem, biochem, physiology, cmmb, cell bio, genetics and many other quality courses. I never shyed away from taking taxing courses. Why i havent gotten 3.7 plus a lot is not due to lack of hardwork, but i guess inability to overcome the 85-87 mark in courses requiring A- or A. Its tough, but i keep working at it and thats the reality of things i guess. Its a frustrating situation for sure, but one i must address nonetheless.


Thanks for both your replies!

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Your fourth year marks won't affect the academic calculation. As for the GPA, depends on your program (What department in science), the courses load (full meaning how many courses), the courses (evolution vs. physiologies, biochemistries), etc. So without that information, its hard to predict a score. My question would be why has the GPA not improved to >3.7? If I had to predict, lowest would be 30 and highest would be 35.


Academic: 30-35

MCAT: ~ 10 (check the manual for the exact number):

Application: It's all about how you word your top five activities, the number of hours put into the activities..

References: need to be excellent.

* All based on previoius years formulas (things may change this cycle, though I doubt it).


Your have a low chance, but none the less a chance (and thats all that matters). Make sure you spend time on making a killer app and getting amazing reference (if you can only get 2, then go with that, and get some lazy person as the 3rd so he won't end up writing the letter).


Depending on your VR, your might have better chances at McMaster.


I am curious, how did you come up with this estimated academic score? I have a had a difficult time even guessing what my score would be.

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Given that you are in a health sciences program, I am going to say that it will be around 30. Your MCAT is quite good, which shows that you are a smart individual. Perhaps you haven't figured out how to study in university, since it is different from the MCAT. Realistically, you won't get in next year, however you still have a chance (make sure you pwn the application and the reference letters). If you do end up doing well >3.7, then I would recommend considering coming back for a fifth year.

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Work hard to get an interview and only good things can happen mate! Your grades are showing a nice upward trend which hopefully continues (rumor is that grade trend is very important) and your MCAT score is good. If you have solid ECs and references then you probably have a great chance at an interview once you've graduated. The MMI makes it or breaks it for pretty much everyone, so at that point grades aren't as big of a factor anyways. Good luck!

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I am curious, how did you come up with this estimated academic score? I have a had a difficult time even guessing what my score would be.


Experience talking to people who got rejected and who got accepted. Also, in the manual it used to say taht they look at how your background has prepared you for medicine.


They way the academic component is calculated is teh following:


Not sure exactly how this is done; either the overall GPA or the best 2 years; the perecentage of this is also unkown.



Criteria is preperation of medicine; my guess is that they look at courseload, relevance to medicine, and they especially pay attention to the marks for biochemistries, physiologies, anatomies, etc. as these courses are the closest courses offered to courses one will be taking in medicine.


I have also successfully predicted applicants score. In the end, its a prediction.

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