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Ottawa's ABS Question

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I have applied twice now to medical school and I'm hoping this year will be my final time applying. I am an Ontario resident and each year I applied I received a notice from Ottawa saying although I meet the academic criteria, I didn't meet the non-academic criteria cut-off required to get an interview.

I finished a master's degree, I have volunteered in Girl Guides, I am invovled in music and sports, and have several conferences and abstracts (although I know Ottawa doesn't score grad students differently).

Could it be the presentation of my ABS that's off (I usually did past tense and described what I did for each activity) or is it that I'm not well rounded (i.e. I'm missing something)

I'd really appreciate any help and advice as to what Ottawa is looking for.

Thank you!

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Hey Querty,

Perhaps you are lacking variety/diversity in your extracurriculars…To be honest, I presented my ABS in both present and past tense (in retrospect, I probably should have chosen one or the other to be consistent). I think present tense sounds better and more exciting but it shouldn’t really matter. I think the adcom is looking for substance and diversity within your ABS, which will show them that you exhibit certain qualities through the roles and responsibilities that you had.


Consequently, it’s important how you present each entry. For example, with your Girl Guides experience, you might want to point out the fact that you were a LEADER, that you ORGANIZED and COORDINATED many of the events that took place within the program, and that you TAUGHT the girls certain skills. By highlighting these important roles, you will make the adcom members interested in your application and want to invite you for an interview so that they can find out more about you and allow you to elaborate upon these points.


Feel free to private message me and I’ll do my best to help.



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And music and sports demonstrate collaboration, team work, critical thinking, stress management and expertise.


It sounds like you are well rounded, so it may well be your presentation. It is not the raw data you want to descfribe rather the contexual information relating to your internal growth & development (in terms of the traits and characteristics that med school are seeking).


In other words, you need to "market yourself" in an honest fashion - using key words that you can substantiate at the interview when questioned.

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