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Another 'what are my chances' question for Mac/UofOttawa

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Hey guys i would really appreciate it if i got some advice regarding my chances of atleast getting to the interview stage..im going into my third year so there are only a limited number of schools that I am planning to apply to but just wanted another honest opinion about my chances based on marks/MCAT/ECs


I didn't have stellar GPA during the first year (sadly slacked off a bit at the end) but i pulled my cGPA to 3.87 or wGPA to 3.91 (for 2 years). I am writing my MCAT during the first week of Sept. so i wont get my marks before the OMSAS deadline (hoping that i can get a 10/11 in VR to be competitive for McMaster).


As for ECs, i haven't done another spectacular but here's a list: Hospital volunteering (4 yeas/250 hrs and ongoing - 4 different departments), TA for math last summer, 1 summer of research (no publication and sharing project with prof), would be a exec for first year event coordination for Lets Talk Science during the upcoming year


I am a looong time lurker of these forums but have finally decided to post! and again I would appreciate any help..thanks! :)

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For Ottawa I believe once you hit the GPA cutoff, they simply look at your ECs to determine interview status. Being totally honest, it is a crapshoot, but I wouldn't be overly optimistic there.


For McMaster, your GPA is strong and if you can swing a 10/11 in verbal than you stand a great chance at scoring an interview. Remember however that casper is the major contributor to your interview score. To say that people with stats equal or better than yours are guaranteed a spot just isn't accurate.


You're applying to two schools where it is very difficult to give you a clear idea of how you stand and what your chances are for getting an interview. Looks like you have a good chance at mac, but I'd suggest giving both a try. Good luck.

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For Ottawa I believe once you hit the GPA cutoff, they simply look at your ECs to determine interview status. Being totally honest, it is a crapshoot, but I wouldn't be overly optimistic there.


For McMaster, your GPA is strong and if you can swing a 10/11 in verbal than you stand a great chance at scoring an interview. Remember however that casper is the major contributor to your interview score. To say that people with stats equal or better than yours are guaranteed a spot just isn't accurate.


You're applying to two schools where it is very difficult to give you a clear idea of how you stand and what your chances are for getting an interview. Looks like you have a good chance at mac, but I'd suggest giving both a try. Good luck.


thanks retracable...thats what i was thinking too, if i manage a decent VR score i would have a better shot at Mac (based on my not-so-spectacular ECs).


I know for UofT its REALLY competitive if u r a 3rd year applicant so im probably not even applying there

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