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Step 1 - University/College

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Hey guys,


For the part that says:


Per our academic requirements, applicants must meet the minimum GPA requirement prior to making an application to the Faculty of Medicine.

OPTION A: Two most recent years of full time study prior to submitting an application.

Answer "Yes" for this option.


OPTION B: Best 3 out of 4 years of full time study (only eligible if you have graduated at the time of application).

Answer "Yes" for this option.


OPTION C: All course grades from graduate program combined with two consecutive years from undergraduate degree.

Answer "Yes" for this option.


I'm a bit confused as to what I'm supposed to be saying 'yes' to here. I graduated June 2011 from University. Do we only select one option? I'm not in a graduate program so Option C is a 'NO'. But do I pick both Option A and B, or just the one that has a better GPA?

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