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Supplemental Info Form - space allocated

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When it says "you must respect the space allocated", does that mean the size of the box as it appears online? Or, given that a scroll bar appears, are we allowed to continue writing? It seems that there is no limit, so I'm confused...


I was also wondering how we enter hours/week if it's an activity that is only done now and then (eg., once every few months, 2-3 hours each time).



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I would assume this means the scroll included. Part 1 of the application had at least one place where I ran into a character limit. There are probably limits on them. There is no way you could describe your activities within the size of the box that appears on your screen.

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if i remember correctly there are character limits.. u just cant see them untill you try to submitt and then it tells you ther is some character box that is over the limit.. at which point u have to figure out which one it is.. thats what I remember happening... however i did alot of applications so tht may have been another...they are all a blur

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I have another question about the supplemental information form. I'm waiting for access for the online form but I am working on the one provided on the website as a working copy. It asks for the average number of hours for each activity. Is this per week as it was last year? Or is it an estimation for the total number of hours committed? It seems like the latter, but then what exactly am I averaging? Thanks y'all!

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if i remember correctly there are character limits.. u just cant see them untill you try to submitt and then it tells you ther is some character box that is over the limit.. at which point u have to figure out which one it is.. thats what I remember happening... however i did alot of applications so tht may have been another...they are all a blur



Wow. This sounds scary. I would hate to be at the moment of submitting and then realize I need to go back and redo a whole bunch of descriptions!


Any idea what the approximate length is? Ie. 1 sentence? 2-3? about a paragraph?

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It appears to be 500 characters.


That sounds familiar.


I remember there being some random prompt that came up saying my character limit was over in one of my boxes.. so i just copied and pasted each one into word to find the character limits on each... i dont remember if it gave the limit to which i was over or whether it just said over.... if its prompting to be 500 then everyone who is still working on them should be doing them in word to less than 500 and copy and pasting them into the box... will save u a whole lot of time in trying to figure out which one is over

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That sounds familiar.


I remember there being some random prompt that came up saying my character limit was over in one of my boxes.. so i just copied and pasted each one into word to find the character limits on each... i dont remember if it gave the limit to which i was over or whether it just said over.... if its prompting to be 500 then everyone who is still working on them should be doing them in word to less than 500 and copy and pasting them into the box... will save u a whole lot of time in trying to figure out which one is over



500 characters I think is actually quite a bit. Since they say "being concise is in your best interest", running near 500 characters I would think would not exactly be concise?

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How do you know this?


I was filling in one of the lines and went to save it, but received a prompt saying I had over 500 characters somewhere (I forget exactly what it said, but they do not tell you how many characters you're over by, or where exactly in the application you went over).


500 characters is pretty lengthy and normally I wouldn't be writing over 500, but in this case I had to fill in some information about a bunch of medically related projects and I didn't want to list them all separately, so I grouped them together which consequently required more characters in the description. Otherwise, I can see writing 500 characters for each thing as way too long and pretty annoying for someone who's reviewing.

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