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CEGEP grades for Canadian schools

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When you finish your Cegep, you get an R-score.


Depending on your score and your cegep program, you can apply to college.


However, if you want to go to med school and your R-score is not high enough or you didn't do well on your interview, you can apply to a different program in college, finish your 3-year bachelor and apply to med school again. Some med schools, on the other hand, do accept candidates that are still in their 1st or 2nd year of bachelor degree.

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OK, so I left out some information. I finished my B.Sc degree from McGill in May and I'm talking about applications for the 2012 admission cycle. With that in mind, do the dental schools outside of Quebec require that I send in my CEGEP transcript as well as my McGill one?

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