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Is it too late to apply NOW?


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Do you guys think its worth the money/effort to apply now?

I just sent in my transcript today. I can have my PS and everything filled out by Sunday.

My stats aren't super amazing so I'll only be applying to the low tier schools (Wayne State, Rosalind Franklin, MSU, GWU, Oakland).


Do I still stand a chance or did I just shoot myself in the foot by not applying 2 months ago :confused::mad: :mad: :mad:

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I'm in the same situation as you, I'll be applying to (Boston, Case western, George washington, georgetown, MSU, Oakland, Rosalind Franklin, SUNY and WSU)


Have been working on the personal statement for a while, just sent my transcript in last week


30Q (11/10/9) MCAT and 3.75 overall GPA


Is there any point in applying to the first two Universities on the list with a BS score of 9 since the MSAR shows that the lower 10 percentile is at a score of 10?

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Well applying to 2 more schools doesn't really cost that much in the grand scheme of things I guess, so maybe go for it? Mind you, I have similar stats to you and I'm not going to bother applying to those schools...

Also is SUNY Cdn friendly still? I've read mixed things on here about that.

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It is not as simply as "Do I still have a shot".


You have to remember once you apply to some schools (whether you're early or late), if you are not successful, you are considered re-applicant; meaning you have to provide them with some good reasons why they should look at your application again.


It is not like Canada, where you can keep on applying to the same school without penalty (means you're basically treated equally as a new applicant).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Keep in mind that it takes time for AMCAS to receive your transcripts, then takes 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer) to verify your application before the application gets sent to the individual schools, then the schools will begin to send secondaries but not necessarily right away, and then you need to complete the secondaries and return them before you'll be marked complete. The process takes a fair bit of time, so even if you submitted everything to AMCAS today it would still be about a couple months before you would be complete at all your schools.


That is not to say it can't be done, but with few exceptions the US schools all use rolling admissions and so the later in the cycle you apply, the fewer interview spots that are available. It is to your advantage to apply as early as possible.

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So then what's the likelihood of someone like me getting in if I applied to 15-20 schools that take Canadian citizens, if these are my stats, and I applied within the next month:


GPA (OMSAS): 3.68-3.7


ECs: volunteering hospital (2 years), volunteering heart and stroke (~1/2 year), tutoring high school science and math (2 years), masters degree, abstracts, posters, presentations, worked as a camp counselor for 4 summers



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