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Applying to atlantic bridge after 1st year

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Im starting my first year of biomedical science at York this sept, and I wanted to know if anyone has experience or knowledge about applying to atlantic bridge, specifically for the 6 year programs at RCSI, UCD, NUI...


I know that they accept students that are currently completing their bachelors or have left their university without completing an undergrad. My goal and intention is to get 90s in all my courses and realistically i think this is possible...if not ill have at least a ~85. My EC's are very diverse and impressive (i took a year off after grade12).


One problem is that if I apply in november , they will have no university marks to review until december. In december they will only have some of my university marks because some of my courses are full year courses. My high school marks weren't strong so I doubt that would help.


Can anyone tell me my chances for Ireland med schools (6yr) after my 1st year at York? Considering I do well and get 90s. Also in November what do you have to submit to atlantic bridge? I'm assuming transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal letter?


Thanks in advance.

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