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Dual citizenship and required courses

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Alright, so I'm both american and canadian, so I plan on trying in both countries. I was just wondering if I will be considered an international student or be in any way at a disadvantage in the states, since I live in Canada. Also, I've been to french schools my whole life, and am wondering if this will be badly viewed. I haven't taken a college level english course, since I was exempted from it and took german instead. Will I need to take an english class?



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1) Yes and no. As a citizen you can apply to any school; however, you do not have state residency so anywhere where you apply you will be OOP.


2) Don't bother applying without completing a full year of University level English. It is a pretty standard application requirement. Going to french schools wouldn't be too much of an issue other than possibly causing problems with translation of transcripts (As long as the education was Cdn or US).

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do most of the schools give preference to state residents? what about the ivies/top schools?


as for the english, does that mean i should change schools or something and just go to mcgill?


by the way, how are my chances at other schools in canada? are the other med schools as tough on OOP applicants as mcgill is?

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do most of the schools give preference to state residents? what about the ivies/top schools?


as for the english, does that mean i should change schools or something and just go to mcgill?


by the way, how are my chances at other schools in canada? are the other med schools as tough on OOP applicants as mcgill is?


Ivies/private schools generally do not have an in-state bias. There are a few exceptions though (Baylor and Temple are two that come to mind).

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