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MCAT testing center- Scarborough


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I registered to take the test at McCowan Road in Scarborough, ON. I saw in previous posts that the computers tend to crash at this centre and the testing conditions are pretty bad as well. This was the only spot I could get. I think I don't mind small tables etc, but I'm really worried that my computer will crash during the test. Has this happened to anyone at the McCowan Road testing centre? How do you regain your concentration afterwards? Thanks!

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hey man, never tested there, but if you KNOW that there had been a history of computer crashes. Try to reschedule.


I rewrote about 3 weeks ago at 2 Bloor West, and my effin computer crashed TWICE during PS. It definitely was unsettling and I feel it did not go well for the rest of it. :mad:

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Tested there. It was mostly fine. The computer where they scan your finger crashed twice during my test but that didnt matter much. My own computer was fine except that during my WS, the guy in front moved his chair and it hit my power cord and my computer switched off. I then had to wait for them to reload my test. Luckily my almost-completed essay had been autosaved so no harm done other than some fried nerves.

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