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Cancelled August 23rd Exam at 4580 Dufferin St.!!!


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Hi everyone,

I was supposed to write my exam yesterday at 4580 Dufferin St in Toronto and we got evacuated during the "earthquake". I just got the call from Prometric telling me that the rescheduled date is in October. Now I don't know about the rest but I was planning to apply to medical school this year, and this date does not work for me.

At the test centre we were told that the rescheduled date will be within 1-2 weeks, so I did not bother to get anyone else's contact information in case something went wrong. I have already written a complaint but I doubt they will listen to our concerns if we do it one by one.

If anyone here who wrote at that location or is in the same boat as me, could you guys please pm your contact information or e-mail me at matrix_corner@hotmail.com. I think if we act together we could get them to reschedule it to a closer date.

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Hey there - I would contact OMSAS and let them know. Even though the deadline for canadian applications is Oct 1, the applications aren't sent until late october or even november (don't quote me on it though). So, before panicking and booking seats elsewhere, I would call them and find out. Hope it works out for you - that really sucks :(

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Hey, if you got OMSAS's website, they say that if you were affected by the earthquake, its okay if you write in october you wont be penalized.


Note: Applicants who were in the process of writing the MCAT on August 23


Applicants who were in the process of writing the MCAT on August 23 and were affected by the earthquake will not be penalized by the medical schools if they write on October 7, and release their scores to OMSAS as soon as they are made available.




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