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Premed 101 Forums

Reference letter choices

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Hi All,


My question is with regards to the Memorial application but because that forum is a little bit slow, i wanted to request some advice here.


I have to submit two letters of recommendation - one academic and one non-academic.


I have the following choices for non-academic letter:


1) Music Teacher who knows me for over 7 years - I have significant music involvement and he definitely has known me personally, academically and extra-curricular-wise as well. most of involvement was in high school.


2) Research supervisors - will be doing a fourth year project with them, have volunteered in the their lab, did a summer internship with them , they know me well personally and academically, one of them is a physician and they want to write a joint letter.


What are your thoughts?


Thank you!

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Research is more a reflection of your academic abilities rather than an extracurricular activity, is it not?


This seems to be controversial on this forum for some reason.


In my humble opinion--after applying to multiple med schools and carms-- is that research supervisors are ACADEMIC! Research is more academic than writing a test or essay for a course. Research and academia are nearly synonymous.



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