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College Courses

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Will Queen's consider courses taken at Canadian Colleges that are not a member of the AUCC (Association of Universites and College's of Canada)? I took 2 years of undergraduate sciences at Langara College in Vancouver and transferred to UBC into 3rd year sciences and am hoping that they will include the college courses I took in my GPA. What about U of T?



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I would definitely check to be sure..


I phoned Ottawa and UofT a few weeks ago to ask about the same thing since my 1st two years were at a community college in BC. According to UofT, my college courses would count so as long as my current university (Unbc)recognizes the courses as legitimate UT transfer courses.


Ottawa, on the other hand only recognizes university courses. So all my 1st year bio and chem pre-reqs etc.. would have to be re-done if I wanted to apply to Ottawa. Needless to say, I am now not applying to Ottawa this year lol.


I would be curious to find out what Queens policy is..

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  • 3 weeks later...
Also, OMSAS only evaluates your GPA strictly based on work done at a university.


My 3 year GPA as calculated by OMSAS only represents my single most recent year of credit at UNBC, and my first 2 years of work done at a college are omitted from the GPA calculation.


If Toronto uses OMSAS and OMSAS does not include college credits, how would Toronto be able to accept college courses as apart of the GPA?


The following is from the OMSAS manual:


"The following courses of study are not normally included in the OMSAS GPA: naturopathic and chiropractic medicine, consecutive Bachelor of Education programs, college courses (even if transfer credit is granted), challenge for credit courses, diploma or certificate programs, graduate courses, and undergraduate courses taken as part of a graduate program."

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This is what UofT said when I spoke with them on the phone about this:


To satisy their pre-req requirements, college courses can be used... as long as these university you are getting your degree from recognizes these college courses as legitimate university transfer courses. There obviously has to be some type of transfer agreement between the college and the university, and the existence of this agreement has to be noted on your university transcript.


They said at some point they will actually look through the transcripts to verify that you have in fact completed the pre-reqs, but any Gpa calculations will not include college courses.


And they also verified that college grades are not included in the cGPA in any way whatsoever (this is the case for all OMSAS schools).

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Ottawa, on the other hand only recognizes university courses. So all my 1st year bio and chem pre-reqs etc.. would have to be re-done if I wanted to apply to Ottawa. Needless to say, I am now not applying to Ottawa this year lol.



That is not true, I emailed them to ask, and they told me they do count. I don't believe they are included in GPA (as per what I've read and heard from U of T admin), but they are recognized and satisfy the requirements.

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