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Is the MCAT in the US different from the one administered in Canada? I always figured that they would be the same for the same sitting seeing as the test is administered by the same organization. If they are different, is the one in the US easier than the one in Canada or vice-versa?





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Is the MCAT in the US different from the one administered in Canada? I always figured that they would be the same for the same sitting seeing as the test is administered by the same organization. If they are different, is the one in the US easier than the one in Canada or vice-versa?






lol Does it even matter? Were you gonna go to the US if it was easier?

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No such thing as a "Canadian MCAT". The only MCAT administered in the world is by AAMC, which is in the US. However, there are 2 different versions of the DAT exam; Canadian and American versions. (FYI :D )


Interesting...anyone know why? and does that mean you could apply to Can schools in you write the Can one, and same thing for the american dat?

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