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Caribbean medical student applying to US schools

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I was wondering if you can apply to US medical schools if you are enrolled in a Caribbean medical school currently? Is there an AMCAS policy that doesn't allow people who are in international medical schools from being considered at US medical schools, even if you aren't looking for a transfer, but rather starting fresh?


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Someone from SUNY Upstate emailed me back saying that she thinks it's AMCAS policy to not consider people enrolled currently in an international medical school. I can't find any related information on AMCAS's website or handbook. Does anyone know anything about this? I don't want to waste money in putting in secondary applications if they won't even consider them.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
if u dont carry a green card a transfer wont happen


I am not planning to transfer. I am willing to start as a freshmen if accepted. I just posted a similar message on the 'international schools' forum, but I will briefly mention my issue here:

I am currently at a Caribbean med school and I had divulged that information to some of the schools I had applied to. One of them was BostonU. Specifically, I had asked them through the message centre service they provide to the applicants who receive a secondary from them. So I sent them an official email through this system (i.e. they have a record that I sent it. I can see that email when I log in to my secondary application for BostonU). So I am assuming they read it. I was still offered an interview a few days ago. So I am not sure if my current status as a medical student doesn't affect them, or they simply didn't read that message I sent them, or something like that.

The interview date is in the middle of my exams, and thus I will have to reschedule. So now I am not sure whether I should give them that reason for the rescheduling.

I hope someone can give me some advise for this.


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