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In Preparation for Writing VR Again Next Year


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Hey Guys,


Long time creeper, first time asker! I got my MCAT score back today and did awesome in everything except VR (shocking right?). I scored a 6:( . Obviously I will be re-writing next summer but thought to take a proactive approach. Any suggestions on what I can do between now and next June to improve my reading comprehension? Is getting a private tutor in VR next year a bad thing? I started off getting 8's and 9's then three weeks before my test they dropped to consistently 6's. Any advice would be great!



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hmm well think about what you are doing differently between the time you got 8/9 and then consistent 6s. Then stop doing it. :) maybe also since you have a long time now start reading complex articles from the economist and thinking about what the author is trying to say even after every paragraph. Im not sure what method you use but maybe Start from scratch and use the EK method.. most ppl agree that its the best

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