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U of T: dropping of the worst academic year

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* The worst academic year will be dropped from the calculation of an applicant's cumulative grade point average provided that (a) the applicant has completed four or more years of university education by May 31st of the proposed year of entry, and (B) the year with the lowest grades is not the applicant's most recently completed year of study.


Does this rule still apply if you haven't graduated yet???

I figured it would since they don't state anything about graduation, and also because they said 'four or more years of university education'


My situation:

1st year: 5.5 courseload

2nd: 6.0 --> worst year

3rd: 4.5

4th: 1.0

5th: current year (still won't be graduating...)


I guess for my situation, they will drop my 2nd year but count 1st, 3rd, and 4th years for my GPA calculation?

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In order for the UofT weighting to apply you need to have taken a full course load (5.0 credits/ school year or equivalent) in all your years of study.


Taken from the UofT meds website:




5) What is the weighting formula?


The weighting formula is a method of GPA calculation eliminating some lower course marks. It is in place to encourage applicants to pursue rigourous and advanced coursework without penalty. It is applied only for applicants who have taken a full course load of five full-year courses (or the equivalent) each year in the regular academic session, and who have at least three completed years at the time of application.



The Admissions Office will recalculate the GPA, eliminating the applicable number of marks. Briefly, a student with three completed years may drop the three lowest full-year course marks, or six lowest semester course marks, or any combination thereof. A student applying with four completed years may drop the four lowest full-year course marks, or eight lowest semester course marks, or any combination thereof.


6) What if I take four courses in the regular session and one summer course?


The weighting formula would not be applied. It is only applied if a full course load was taken in the regular academic session in every year of study.


7) What if I carried a full course load in some years and not in others?


The weighting formula would not be applied. All years must have a full course load.




EDIT: Just realised this is the Dental Forum.. lol


This is from the UofT dent site:




* The worst academic year will be dropped from the calculation of an applicant's cumulative grade point average provided that (a) the applicant has completed four or more years of university education by May 31st of the proposed year of entry, and (B) the year with the lowest grades is not the applicant's last year of study.




Sounds a little ambiguous, perhaps call them up?

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they said they don't care about the number of courses/year... 1.0/year is still considered as 'a school year'


What the heck? That means I could've taken 1 bird course every single year & get 4.0 and had advantage over every other students (most)?


I don't think a year with only 1.0 course should count.

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well the thing is... even though they say that...



 part-time vs. full-time studies or the program of stud


you will still need at least 15 full year courses or equivalent.


Applicants must have completed three years of university education (i.e. at least 15 full year courses or equivalent) in a program that demonstrates focus and coherence in education.

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