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Hey Everyone


I really would like to do research this coming summer. I am thinking about applying for an NSERC award, however I know its mostly based on grades. I have an 85% cumulative average and was wondering from past recipients what kind of average do you need? Also, I go to UWO and I am in the bmsc program...am I restricted to profs in the Schulich faculty or could I apply to bio profs??? Any advice about the NSERC application would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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They're usually looking for a 90+ average. If you apply early and you're really eager/passionate about research and not just doing it for premed reasons, then they MIGHT take you.


You are not restricted to any profs. You can even work with profs at another university.

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Ok, so hypothetically speaking, worse case scenario... you don't get an NSERC.


You can still do research. Not sure what your intentions are (i.e. paid vs. volunteer research, clinical vs. nonclinical research), but look out for opportunities at your school if you're serious about it. You may be able to still find what you're looking for. So, if research is your goal, keep your eyes open for opportunities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am currently at UWO as well in the BMSc program. I applied for NSERC in my second year. I applied with a prof who had a joint appoint in psychology and physiology (so social science/med sci faculties), and also with a professor in biology.


I think you are limited to applying with one prof within BMSc, but you can apply with multiple profs in other faculties I believe. So it might be a good idea to find multiple profs across different disciplines if you are interested in their research to better your chances, as students in BMSc tend to be slightly more competitive/keen to get research experience.


As for cutoffs, the criteria is that you have a B average I believe. BMSc might say you need a minimum 80% or something like that. I had a 90% avg out of first year and was awarded NSERC with both professors. Whether or not you get it is based solely on the averages of other applicants. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I'm fairly sure that they just create a ranked list for each faculty and award the NSERCs based on descending averages.


Your best bet to get the most accurate information is to go to the office, which I think is in the Medical Building across from social science building.

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also, don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything, but grades are essentially the deciding factor with NSERC (at Western at least. Note that NSERC alots funds to schools and then those schools determine the criteria for giving the awards. So just be aware that some people replying to your post may be from other universities that set different criteria).


Knowing a prof really well doesn't better your chances. I applied with the one professor as a backup. Spent a day or two reading about his research, went in and talked with him, and we finished the application the next day in order to make the deadline. I ended up taking that NSERC, he was a great supervisor and it was a great experience (I guess I was fairly lucky the way things worked out).


But as I said, head into the office and they should be able to answer all your questions. They also have a list of eligible supervisors in the office (not available online) that you can use to look into their areas of research. Best of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the NSERC proposal, do the works cited count towards the ONE-page limit. Can I just put the works cited on a separate page? Also, is it better to use in-text citation (Last name et al., Year) followed by the full citation in the works cited at the end OR can I just use superscripts and then list the sources at the end?



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For the NSERC proposal, do the works cited count towards the ONE-page limit. Can I just put the works cited on a separate page? Also, is it better to use in-text citation (Last name et al., Year) followed by the full citation in the works cited at the end OR can I just use superscripts and then list the sources at the end?




I just called my boyfriend who has received 2 NSERCs in the past, and he told me that he did include a "works cited" section, nor did he include in-text citations. I was a bit surprised by that, but he said it was because NSERC does not look at the proposal, only your school will.


I would double-check with your supervisor. Why? Your supervisor may more specific suggestions for you. And I don't feel good about telling you whether you should or shouldn't include references, this should be guided by your supervisor.


Gluck :)

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I didn't even hear about NSERC in my second year until almost the due date. I wound up working in a lab that summer (not on NSERC), and applied with the prof I worked with the following year and got it over other applicants with higher grades. It probably varies school to school, but research experience was a big one at our school.

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