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4th year thesis

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Hey all of you ex-4th year thesis students. Our "meet and greet" is tomorrow and I don't know why i didnt think to ask this sooner but... what kind of questions did you ask your profs?


Im not really gung-ho interested in any of their work.. and i'm doing this just to dabble since i'm not extremely passionate about research either. I just have no idea what to say :confused:


I'm currently just reading up on their current/previous work.


Thanks guys!

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Hey all of you ex-4th year thesis students. Our "meet and greet" is tomorrow and I don't know why i didnt think to ask this sooner but... what kind of questions did you ask your profs?


Im not really gung-ho interested in any of their work.. and i'm doing this just to dabble since i'm not extremely passionate about research either. I just have no idea what to say :confused:


I'm currently just reading up on their current/previous work.


Thanks guys!


Ask them about their lab, how big their lab is... bla bla bla. Good luck. You'll be fine.


I don't think you should have signed up for a thesis... it's going to be a long year for you.


It's not that bad. Quiet you.

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