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Hard MCAT Cutoffs @ US Schools?

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There are no hard cutoffs. I know people who have gotten in to great schools (Vanderbilt) with as low as a 6 in VR. US schools generally consider the whole package, including life circumstances (an African American who was raised by a single parent and had to work multiple jobs supporting family while trying to maintain a good GPA will get looked at much more favorably than a typical Asian/white kid who has lived a stable life, and has never worked but has a great GPA/MCAT.) Which is why, in general, I think the Canadian process of hard-cutoffs for GPA/MCAT is wholly unfair and discriminates against people from poor backgrounds.

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That is true, I agree with moo.

Although high standards for admission, academic-wise is certainly a good thing (you would rather be treated by smart, intelligent doctor than not), I do feel that road to medicine is restricted to middle/high class family with connection to medicine (Dad/mom is a doctor or close relative is a doctor)

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Bottomline is, adcoms in Canada don't want to spend the resources to hoslitically review each applicant. The pool is full of qualified applicants anyway, so why would they bother using a different selection method? Using high academic cutoffs is useful only if medicine is purely objective, but unfortunately it's not. Do you want to be treated by a genius doc who can't communicate or show any compassion?

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