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Dal Med Interview Dates?

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I know this is way ahead of time, and no one probably knows for sure but anyone know if interview dates are likely to stay the same as last year? Everything else seems targeted for the same dates as last year (besides the extension for step 2). The problem is there is a conference that I want to attend in November, but obviously this interview would be more important to me. I'm an IP applicant and got an interview last year, so am pretty confident I'll get one this year.

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I know this is way ahead of time, and no one probably knows for sure but anyone know if interview dates are likely to stay the same as last year? Everything else seems targeted for the same dates as last year (besides the extension for step 2). The problem is there is a conference that I want to attend in November, but obviously this interview would be more important to me. I'm an IP applicant and got an interview last year, so am pretty confident I'll get one this year.

I'll second this question. I am in clinical placement and also have the chance to attend a conference late in November.


Based on last year's timelines, we should hear from Dal about interviews by mid-October and interviews should be on the weekend of Nov. 19th/20th. But, I guess we need to wait to find out.

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I was under the impression that the interview weekend was set for the 19th and 20th, because when I did part one of the application that was the weekend they listed when you had to choose if you prefered to interview in St John or Halifax. I am assuming that that will stay the same. Hope that helps :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I heard from a friend (yes...typical, so take with a grain of salt) who called the Dal office. Word is that the interviews are going to be Nov 19 and 20, with location based on a first come first serve basis with respect to the submission of Part I.

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Do you know if they email you about the results? I recently changed my address (after submission). I emailed them about the change a week ago. I just don't want to have to stalk the mail in my old apartment, but I will if that's what it takes!

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Do you know if they email you about the results? I recently changed my address (after submission). I emailed them about the change a week ago. I just don't want to have to stalk the mail in my old apartment, but I will if that's what it takes!


Interview notifications are sent out by email.

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It is a quiet forum. I bet you it picks up tomorrow if invites go out. But by the lack of chatter I am wondering if it won't be until next week. I would really make my weekend to know I'm traveling to Hali in a couple of months but we'll see. Has anyone heard anything more then just comparison to last year??

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Hey guys, I just figured I'd pop in to drop a tidbit of information. A friend of mine who's fairly in the know said that interview invites will be going out BY October 21. It's possible they'll go out beforehand (although probably not long before that), but that's when it sounds interview invite letters will be out by. I know its a tough time of year where it seems like things are moving incredibly slow, but hopefully this piece of info will tide you over :) .


There will be a lot more information on your letter when you get it.


Good luck!

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