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So, how do you feel after doing the Casper?

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Without violating any confidentiality agreement, how do you all feel about it?


I ran out of time twice for two of the answers. But since there were what, 36 questions, I think it would be okay. I kinda fumbled through some of the personal questions. My mind was racing and I was trying to think, and the only thing I could think of was what had first came to mind, but that was an immature answer so I kept trying to think of something. Before I knew it, 30 seconds had passed and I knew I only had another 30 seconds to answer that question.


Overall, I think I did pretty good. But I really need to do well since I have a 9 in VR and my GPA is crap. Maybe my grad degrees can get me past the initial screening...

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Do you guys feel preparation helped? Or did you even bother preparing?


I'm not prepping, other than reading the first 3 chapters of Doing Right (just for a general idea). I feel like this is one test that you just don't have to study for. Ah, if only the rest of undergrad was like this...

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I agree it was a little fun :) Maybe that means I'm too opinionated and love to have my thoughts/decisions heard? lol


For me it was almost exactly 90 min, I only took a 10 min break.


I prepared a little bit, but felt it didn't help a great deal. The test felt like they wanted to get a sense of who you are, how you would act and why... which is what I was told to begin with, but I mean now it felt like it was much less a "test".

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I felt quite good while doing it, but now looking back...I feel as if I didn't actually say anything! I just kind of rambled nonsensically. Ack.


Yea, i get what you're feeling - now that im reflecting back, i wish i had said some things for some of the questions. casper takes thinking on your feet to a whole new level lol. The test went by so fast that i thought there were still more questions when in fact, i had finished the test :P

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Yea, i get what you're feeling - now that im reflecting back, i wish i had said some things for some of the questions. casper takes thinking on your feet to a whole new level lol. The test went by so fast that i thought there were still more questions when in fact, i had finished the test :P


Ya...the 1.5 hours did pass by surprisingly fast =P

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just finished CASPer! wow.. the time DOES pass by amazingly fast. I thought I still had a few questions left to go at the end!


time is definitely an issue. not sure how you are supposed to portray your thoughts accurately in 5 minutes for 3 questions!


agreeeee.... I really wished I could see questions before video so that I partially prepare for the answer during video... well its done anyway

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I thought it went as well as it could have. A couple of the scenarios were difficult, and I was getting tired toward the end, but no technical problems so I'm happy! Was able to finish all questions.


Does anyone know if we're supposed to receive a completion email? I havent received anything.


I received survey completion e-mail

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I thought it went as well as it could have. A couple of the scenarios were difficult, and I was getting tired toward the end, but no technical problems so I'm happy! Was able to finish all questions. Oh, and one of the video scenarios was pretty hysterical!


Does anyone know if we're supposed to receive a completion email? I havent received anything.


yep definitely happy about no technical problems!


I just got a completion email 5mins after I submitted. all it says is my name and "Thank you for completing the survey"


did you get an email congratulating you for starting the survey? I got that as well

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I thought it went as well as it could have. A couple of the scenarios were difficult, and I was getting tired toward the end, but no technical problems so I'm happy! Was able to finish all questions. Oh, and one of the video scenarios was pretty hysterical!


Does anyone know if we're supposed to receive a completion email? I havent received anything.


I got one, but it wasn't instant. I got it after maybe 10 minutes after I completed the test.

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