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Re-Writing CASPer

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For those that experienced technical difficulties which prevented them from COMPLETING CASPer (myself included), what solutions were given by tech support? Did they mention anything about a re-write?


Perhaps people who had a similar issue last year could shed some light on what situations require a re-write and when this would take place?


Thank you!

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For those that experienced technical difficulties which prevented them from COMPLETING CASPer (myself included), what solutions were given by tech support? Did they mention anything about a re-write?


Perhaps people who had a similar issue last year could shed some light on what situations require a re-write and when this would take place?


Thank you!


Last year, as a backup to casper they looked at your answers to a whole bunch of questions that you filled out about yourself over omsas.

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A friend of mine had this issue. He called tech support during the test (you were supposed to call during or before the test for any of your problems to be noted). He was only able to answer 8 questions - he was told that the incomplete questions will not be included in the marking, and the rest will be worth more. You should call to make sure you will be OK.


For those that experienced technical difficulties which prevented them from COMPLETING CASPer (myself included), what solutions were given by tech support? Did they mention anything about a re-write?


Perhaps people who had a similar issue last year could shed some light on what situations require a re-write and when this would take place?


Thank you!

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Regarding my technical difficulties, McMaster emailed me on Friday saying that they had enough answers to judge my test (without considering any sections incomplete). Apparently they ask more questions than they need answers to, in anticipation of such problems, and so they are able to evaluate a complete test in my case, despite my technical difficulties hampering my answers for two sections.

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