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"Easy" Science and/or Arts options

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First of all, I go to U of A and realize that there are no "easy" courses. You must put in effort in order to get an A, but there are classes/profs that can be a lot less work than others.


So I am asking all the students with experience regarding any "easy" courses at the U of A (100 level or 200 level) and which prof you had.


I am thinking of Medicine (though the lack of volunteer scares me) or Pharmacy (likely option). Since I'm in General Sciences, I'm not bounded by a specific schedule that an honors or specialization student would be.


Any feedback would be appreciated. =)


EDIT: Also, when is the best time to write MCAT? (i.e. how much organic chem and physiology is really required?)

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Some of the easier classes I took:


- Psych 258 -- Cognitive (W.Mou)

- Psych 241 -- Social (J.Schimel)

- EAS 212 -- Oceans

- HECOL 211 -- Human Sexuality


I took my MCAT after my second year (having completed Ochem 261 and 263, and Physiology 210, but not any other bio except Bio 107 and Biochem 200). I think writing it after second year was the best decision for me.

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First of all, I go to U of A and realize that there are no "easy" courses. You must put in effort in order to get an A, but there are classes/profs that can be a lot less work than others.


So I am asking all the students with experience regarding any "easy" courses at the U of A (100 level or 200 level) and which prof you had.


I am thinking of Medicine (though the lack of volunteer scares me) or Pharmacy (likely option). Since I'm in General Sciences, I'm not bounded by a specific schedule that an honors or specialization student would be.


Any feedback would be appreciated. =)


EDIT: Also, when is the best time to write MCAT? (i.e. how much organic chem and physiology is really required?)


Language classes are generally a decent "easy" grade. Put in the work, go to class, you're *almost* guaranteed a good mark. Plus, they're some of the few courses that AREN'T graded on the curve which is a bonus.


BOT 380 (Drug plants) is a pretty good one, and easy to get a good mark in if you actually do the work. Very interesting too. Loved that class even though I fell asleep in it frequently... (mind you, I always fell asleep in that lecture hall... probably didn't help the class was at 8am)...


PMCOL 305 (Drugs of Abuse) is SO interesting, but VERY difficult to get a decent mark in because the class is curved. You need almost a 95 if you want an A.


PHSYL 400 (Reproductive physiology) is also a really interesting course (if they still have it). Prof is hilarious and (at least at the time) printed out the slides for the entire class :D. Easy marks too. Long answer exams though, but you get to pick a few questions from about 8 or so.


I don't know if they still have LABMP400 (Medical Pathology or something like that) but that was my most favourite course of undergrad ever. Also gives you a good intro into medicine. I don't know if they still offer the course though. That was over 3 years ago that I took it. We even got a tour of the pathology labs at the hospital. That was pretty sweet.


I'm sure there's other courses, but I just don't remember since I've been gone so long. If you want more info on courses to take/avoid pm me :)


EDIT: as for the MCAT: Take it after you've taken both orgos, both chems, and physiology. Don't necessarily worry about physics (university physics shot my confidence.... I got an 8 on PS the first try. When I had forgotten everything from uni and studied from my high school notes, with some help from an amazingly genius physics person, I brought it up to a 12 a year later).


Good luck!

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EAS classes were always a breeze. I did Oceans, Planets, Violent weather, etc etc and came out consistently in the A range. Just choose ones without labs and you will be alright. Other courses I found to be easier were bot 205 (with Currah) then Bot 381? (it was plant biotechnology regardless, and i think that was the least work i have ever put into a course and still did good!). Biochem 200 isn't too bad, just take the time to work through things rather than cramming (any biochem after that like 310/320/330 are fairly difficult, especially 310...). Psych 104/105 arent bad, and i hear EAS 100 is pretty Mickey Mouse. Anyways, that is what i found to be easier. Good Luck! (oh and i found Bot 380 to be stressful! It was super interesting but the amount of material you have by the end of the class boggles your mind!)

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