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Redo-ing CASPer: Best Internet connection?

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apparantly my CASPer answers were not usable because of all of the stupid technical difficulties I had during my test date, so I have to re-do the test :mad: I was just wondering for those people who did NOT have any technical difficulties, what computer, Internet connection, and browser did you use? Or any other tips? I want to try and make sure that this time around it works :(

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I used the latest Firefox with the latest flash player and Bell Sympatico DSL (wired). I had no problems.


I heard that it was possible to actually go the Mac and do Casper on a computer they provide on campus. That way you'd be pretty sure that there would be no problems or at least if there were they wouldn't be your fault.

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I also used the latest Firefox (7.01) and the latest flash player. I was the only person online on a wireless network (at home) with a 1 MB/s Shaw internet connection. I had no problems and no delays in video loading. Hope it all works out in your retest :)

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Its not going to be an issue for the rewrite, but for anybody in future years, don't sign up for a dinner time / evening time slot. That is what messed me up. Even though I was the only one on my connection, the shear volume of people who are online after work slows down everyone's residential connections.


I'll also be opting for a non-wireless connection for the re-write. Probably somewhere on campus where I can plug my laptop into the internet. Or, I might use a library computer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I sure wish I could help you figure out the problem with technical difficulties involving CASPR! I also have to re-take it, after a horrible experience the first time in which I lost my Internet connection 6 times during the 2 hour exam period, and subsequently I lost 6 whole response sections. When I spoke with a Help Desk person, he essentially reprimanded me for using a wireless Internet connection, rather than the preferred option of plugging the modem directly into my computer. I retorted that I do not have that option since I lived in a shared housing space and don't have access to the modem. I also filed a grievance with the McMaster Admissions office, stating that this exam should really be offered at a test site rather than online, in order to prevent any technical difficulties and to provide a controlled, monitored test environment similar to MCAT.

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