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CV Format


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Isn't it now an online form which you fill out? In my year we had to hand in a 2 page max CV in pdf format. What is the submission format now?


For mine, I took off all the less relavent/very short term volunteer activities that I did. I also aggregated a few under 1 entry to save room. I kept all the longterm or jobs which I held an important role in. Mine was 11 size font and I did enlarge the margins of the word document to fit it all in. I wasn't happy about my small font but I made good use of the space and bolding + underline.

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The CV format never specify that we need to include a description of each entry . I know it was required last year and probably previously. In fact, it does not specify any thing really about what to write for entries. Now, how come someone who never apply to McGill could guest he has to enter a description for each entry? McGill favors applicants who have previously apply to the school? I don't think so.

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