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Do I need a Science DEC?


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I'm in my third semester of CEGEP, in my first semester of social science. I did one year of C.A.L.L. and failed a few classes, so my R-Score is pretty low (around 25) and I'm on academic probation.


Next semester I'm supposed to be taking high school chem and physics and redoing my grade 11 math. My original plan was to get a science DEC then go to Bishop's for my undergrad in a BSc program along with the pre-med major they offer. Do I actually have to take a DEC in sciences, or will the pre-med courses at Bishop's suffice? I'd rather stay in social sciences and graduate with a great R-Score than go into sciences if I can afford not to. My classes are all going really well so far (above 85 in everything) and my Human Bio mark is really good (87 while the class average is 58).


I know that my undergrad won't matter so long as I take the right pre-reqs, so is a social science DEC then a BA in Psychology (with a pre-med major) a reasonable way to get into med school?


Thanks in advance! (:



The reason I don't want to take any science courses that I don't have to is because I'm really not fond of anything aside from bio. I'm concerned that if I take a science DEC I will fail the classes and get kicked out of CEGEP.

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Here is the info for McGill : http://www.mcgill.ca/medadmissions/applying/general-requirements/basic-science-prerequisites


I don't know if you can do your prereqs in university for the french schools, but you probably need to do some maths/physics/bio/chemistry too.


Yes you can get in medschool with a BA in psychology, but you need to take all the prereqs :) In fact you can get in medschool with any degree.

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As far as I know, UdeM doesn't really care which math/physics/bio/chem courses you take (or where), as long as you have the required number of them and they're done within 8 years prior to applying. McGill seems to be a little bit trickier as the course you can take at UdeM that's equivalent to CEGEP bio doesn't count there. I have no idea about other schools in and outside QC.


I got in with a computer science degree so program doesn't matter as long as you have the grades.

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