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Can a referee fax in the reference letter????

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I found out yesterday that OMSAS did not get one of my referee's reference letter and Conf assessment form.


So my referee faxed in my reference letter and confidential assessment form just now. Is that allowed? OMSAS is currently closed so I can't ask them. I know he was just trying to get it in before the deadline of 1 Dec. Will he have to mail it in or will the fax be good enough?




EDIT: Looks like it can happen that way. I just found out he called OMSAS and arranged it. I am sure this was an exception though due to the short timeline.

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Thanks for the idea. You will notice in my thread I am having trouble with reference's sending off their stuff in a timely manner despite providing them with everything back in AUGUST and being given multiple reminders!! So I am forwarding the OMSAS phone number if they want to explore faxing the documents in if they do not send it by Monday.


If I dont make it this year I am definitely telling them all documents need to be in Oct 1st!


I find it fairly disrespectful when references dont complete your reference documents in a timely manner. Most of the people we ask to be referees are people that we have worked hard to impress or do things for in a professional, respectful manner and at a high level of functioning so reciprocally we hope they would provide a reference in a similar fashion (timely, give it priority, etc).


Thats just my rant:)



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I just thought I'd let you know that you're not the only ones having referee issues. Two of my referees sent in their stuff mid-september but somehow OMSAS never received them...I'm sure they were sent so I dont know if it got lost in the mail or if OMSAS is just incompetent. I'm sure it is quite common to have stuff arrive late so try not to worry too much.

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My problem is more basic then OMSAS not receiving my reference letters, its more in the stage of trying to motivate my references to actually send them. I called one of my references last night and he indicated he "get it licked tonight" and send it off tomorrow ... I indicated Express Post is now how it needs to be sent, voiding my courteous prestamped envelope I provided.


My second reference on the other hand I will further harass tomorrow ... Ill give her a call tomorrow morning and see what the status is of my reference letter. It will be her fourth reminder to finish my reference letter ... so we'll see how that goes. It ironic how she is my boss and she gets on my case about finishing things, bugging me about little details I dont get done while she cant seem to finish a 1-2 page letter within 4 months.


No worries though ... I am sure she'll come through but I dont understand why it has to be so labor intensive to do so.



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Thanks Hoote.


Good news ... I went to the gym this morning at 6 am to do some cardio, which is an unusual time for me as I am more of an after work kind of person ... anyhow my boss showed up for her workout. I greeted her and didnt mention a word about my reference letter figuring it was the pink elephant in the room as I have bugged her so much about it, last leaving her a detailed message on Monday about it .... within 45 seconds she stated that she would send out the letter today Express post. Yay :D


I do feel a little guilty because she indicated that one of her parents is in long term care and is a major reason she has been preoccupied and her weekends have been filled with related activities :( Well good thing is both her and I have one more thing off of our minds so we can both concentrate on other things until next application cycle if things dont work out.


Thanks for everyone's calming comments ... hopefully now all my letters will make it to OMSAS ...



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this is great news!


it is really hard waiting until the end of january for an interview notice!


I think its more like February before the notices are sent out ... sorry to inform you the wait is even longer than you anticipated :o Best to probably get caught up in the Christmas holidays and cheer and forget about med school and us med hopefuls on this board for a while to conserve your sanity :D


I am just burying myself in work, 60+/hrs week and working on an academic publication (it'll be ready for next year's application- :) ), might be cocky and start doing some casual MMI interview prep.



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hey, do u know with the MMI if we can jot down notes to refer to in our 8 minutes?


i thought i would practice with a few friends here, just to talk out loud and get some feedback. future doc wrote a really long list of sample questions for the interview thread. and i would like to attempt the french station, so that means je dois practiquer avec mon amie francophone!

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maybe NOSM is different. Highly doubt it though


NOSM is the same. No use bringing a pen or paper as you will not be allowed to use it.


Taiga gal and Real Beef. I believe last year we were told to expect interview invites to come out at the beginning of Februrary, however we were (happily or unhappily depending on the news) surprised by interview invites arriving via email on the morning of January 19th. NOSM Admissions is a well organized and efficient team.

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