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Ophthalmologists withou OR time

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As far as I understand it, in private ORs providing cataract surgery, the docs may own the clinics, but the government pays for each cataract surgery done. If 10 private ORs opened tomorrow offering unlimited (i.e. as many patients as could fill them) cataract surgeries, orthopedic services, head/neck surgeries, etc. then the public purse (which funds these surgeries right now in public ORs) would quickly run out of money.


Private ORs currently doing cataract surgeries have detailed contracts in place with the government, in which the ORs are only allowed to operate on so many patients per month.

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Thanks for the response. So will the government not contract/reimburse a newly opened ASC? Also, why should the old docs get all the OR time, who decides who gets it? I'm assuming the have it because they have stake in the ASC, in which case they have every right to. I still don't understand it.

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