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Number of Medicals School Applied to

Guest Natalia

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Guest Natalia

Out of curiosity, how many med schools did people apply to? I guess I'm wondering if any one applied to more than 10 (and suck their bank accounts dry!). Thanks.

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Guest Melissa13

I applied to 11, got back two interview requests and am waiting like everybody else to hear the final results...apply to those that you have minimum marks/MCATS for...you never know who might surprise you.

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Guest Natalia

Really? Do you mind sharing with us the two schools that gave you an interview. Also, which schools did you NOT apply to...and what were your reasons for this? Good luck.

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Guest tina



I am wondering if you applied to American medschools. If so, where did you apply?


If you applied to 11 school, then you must have applied as an OOP student... how good do you think your chances are as an OOP? I have heard that it is very competitive since there are so spots available.

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Deciding how many schools to apply to is a difficult question. I think you need to asess how competitive you think you are, and base your decision on that. I applied to five schools, and found that to be quite a bit of work. I didn't write just one standard essay and tweek it to suit the schools requirements, but instead wrote a individual piece for each school. I had friends and a grad student edit each of these. Each school also requires a different set of reference letter forms to be filled out, so it is alot of work for your referees as well. In addition each school asks you to format your extracurriculars and so forth differently. Be realistic when you set the number, and allow yourself enough time to complete the applications, so you are not throwing them together at the last minute.

As for the money issue, the real expense is accepting interviews. I was fortunate to get an interview at all five schools, but I couldn't afford to attend all of them. Due to scheduling difficulties I had to fly back east (I live on the west coast) twice, costing around $2500. When I look back I am pleased with the number of schools I applied to, I had enough back up choices, but I didn't end up spending alot of extra time or money on schools I wasn't seriously considering.

If you think you aren't competitive applying to alot of schools might be a good idea, and let the tough decisions be what interviews you want to accept. But if you have a clear idea of where you want to go, and think you are competitive at that school, I don't really see the point in applying to a ton of different schools and creating alot of extra work for yourself.

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