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First Year clear

Guest daisy

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Guest daisy

Hi everyone:



I was just wondering if university gets easier or harder as you go up in years (ie first year harder than 2nd year etc)


I did OK in 1st year, but ive heard that things get alot harder in the sciences, any thoughts??

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey Daisy,


Gauging difficulty is somewhat of a subjective process. It depends on a number of things, mostly the nature of your program and your study habits. In most sciences, 2nd year is when you hit the real weeder courses, designed to separate the movers & shakers from the pretenders. In that sense, yes, some of your 2nd year courses will be harder than 1st year, both in terms of amount of material and overall difficulty. Some schools, such as Queen's, UT, etc., have specialized programs within programs (ie: Queen's LifeSci) with limited space, hence a need to reduce the number from 750 1st year bio students to the 300 or so they admit each year. On the other hand, you may find one or two of your 2nd year courses are dirt easy. IMHO 2nd year is the toughest year whether you're looking to get into a specialized stream or not, but it also depends on your program and how you can adjust your study habits to deal with the material. Just my thoughts!


Best of luck!


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