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For those of you who use photoshop


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So i took a computer science (more like graphic design) bird course and this is our first assignment... create an advertisement poster in photoshop...


I slightly puked in my mouth when i saw the requirements... Do these people not have eyes...




Your image should be exactly 600 by 800 pixels (or 800 by 600)

Your resolution should be 72 pixels per inch and use a color mode of RGB, 8 bit (these should be the defaults, if you want to double check, select Image from the main menu, then pick Mode (to check the colors) or Image Size (to check the resolution and picture size))

Text Strings: at least three instances of different sizes

Text Strings: at least three instances of different font types

You can combine the two above items so that you have 3 text strings where we can see the use of 3 different sizes and 3 different font types

Shapes: at least three different shapes, NOTE: three circles of different sizes are not considered three different shapes. NOTE: you may use the custom shape tool to meet this requirement. If you want a better selection use the custom shape tool, as it has snowflakes, birds, arrows, etc.

Use a Gradient Fill or Gradient Overlay on at least one of the shapes or on at least one of the text strings or on the background.

Bevel or Drop Shadow effect on a text string (At least one instance)

Bevel or Drop Shadow effect on a shape (At least one instance)

The above two items means that there should be an instance of bevel AND drop shadow in your advertisement.

Line (can be solid or dotted) (at least one instance)

Different text orientation (at least one instance) So you must have at least one place where you have your text displayed normally (horizontal) and at least one place where you have a different orientation such as vertical or curved.

Evidence that layers were used. Please note that empty layers and unnamed layers should be avoided.

Do not collapse or merge layers as we need to see how you created the effect -- this could cause you to lose marks.

Colour creativity: the colour scheme should be pleasant and professional looking.

You may add more elements in re-creating the advertisement but remember to do it tastefully!

Good design and complexity: is it balanced, is it easy to read? This is somewhat subjective however you will still be given marks for this at the teaching assistants discretion based on good design elements that the t.a. is looking for.


Oh well at least i know that they set the bar low :rolleyes: but i find this kind of insulting... /endrant.

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