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American schools for <30 MCAT

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Hi everyone,


My GPA starting from 1st year is: 3.57, 3.71, 3.97, 3.81 (now graduated) and I've written the MCAT twice: 29M, 28P. This year is my second time applying to Canadian schools and I'm thinking of trying American schools next year if I don't get in this year. However, it seems that US schools look at MCAT more than Canadian schools so I am not sure which schools I even have a chance at. From what I've searched so far, I have NYMC, Rosalind Franklin, George Wash U, and Wayne State on my list (although their average MCAT of admitted students is still ~30).. Anyone have any experience with getting interviews/accepted to these schools or others with a <30 MCAT? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you :D

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You have to rewrite if you want a shot. The person with a 30 MCAT also has a 4.0 GPA. If I were you, I would spend 3 months studying for the MCAT and follow one of the online published schedules, which have proven to give good scores to many (ex. SN2ed). Just imagine this, you get a 35 on the new MCAT with a 9 or 10 on VR - your chances at Ontario are so-so, but you have just boosted your chances at American schools, you will definitely score a few interviews and have a good shot at acceptances post-interview (as long as your application is not bad). If the new MCAT does not work out (still <30), I would not waste money on MD schools, and just go for DO.


So unless I rewrite the MCAT and get 32+ I shouldn't even bother applying to even the low-tier American schools? Thanks for your feedback.
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You may get an interview with <30. But what are the chances that they take you?


Sorry to be a bit harsh. But with <30 your chances of getting accepted at an American MD school is very low unless you can really wow them. The average GPA/MCAT for the low tier American schools are approaching 3.7/31 nowadays. If you as a Canadian fall below that, you are really fighting an uphill battle.


With that being said, I got into an American MD school with a 3.6/30. But I tried two cycles and I had a really solid extracurriculars.


Good luck!

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You are actually in a better position than many people. Your GPA is good, which is something that nobody can change.


The only thing that is lacking is your MCAT, which can be changed. In U of C, which I see that you are applying, they are more focus on VR; how is your VR btw?


If I were you, I would really put an effort on getting your MCAT score to at least 31, and VR at least 10, and you should plan to get another one done early this year, which won't affect your chance this year anyway.


Remember, American school doesn't like you to take too many MCAT, but Canada school doesn't really care.

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