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MMI Prep Session Dates

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MMI Prep at UBC Vancouver Campus. Get added to the mailing list to know the exact location.


MMI prep session dates are as follows:


A. Sunday 15th January 1pm until ~3pm [Complete!]

B. Tuesday 17th January 6pm until ~8pm [8 ppl confirmed as of 1:20 PM PST Jan 17]

C. Sunday 22nd January 1pm until ~3pm [16 ppl confirmed as of 1:20 PM PST Jan 17]

D. Sunday 29th January 1pm until ~3pm [16 ppl confirmed as of 1:20 PM PST Jan 17]


Contact me (by PM or email) with dates you are interested in attending by indicating the letters for the corresponding dates, your first & last name and what you might be able to provide (e.g. snacks, room bookings). If you do that, I will put you down on the attendance list and get in touch with details. The part about providing something is obviously optional but appreciated.







P.S. I already feel like I jinxed myself by organizing this thing. Oh well, there's always McGill. :P

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