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Are Entrence Statistics Trustworthy?

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Hey all,


I was just looking over the entrence statistics for UBC and I saw how the average of people getting in is around 82~83%.

But! what I hear from those who applied/got in/ planning to apply is that you need at least mid 80% to even get an interview... so are entrence statistics trustworthy?

I guess this applies not only to UBC but other dental schools as well.


Please share your thoughts!! as I am pretty worried about my grades and DAT score which is a little bit below/above average.

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I would say that these statistics are pretty accurate. The range that they have posted are averages for students that have gotten in so there are students above and below that percentage. I would say that UBC has a slightly lower percentage range due to its tuition prices being "slightly" higher than other schools

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For the most part they're pretty accurate. Remember that admissions averages are exactly that: averages. Some were above and some were below. Those with below admission average GPAs were probably balanced out by good DAT scores and good interviews. Schools that give ranges for each category will give you a better idea of who got accepted.

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Holy crap I did not know that UBC entrance averages were only 80 :eek: :eek:


I wouldn't look too deep into that. It's pretty apparent that, at least for the class of 2015 (83% in stats), everyone is pretty darn smart, works hard and knows how to present themselves. Marks might have got them in the door but the interview/PBL session is what got them accepted.

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I guess they selected more ppl but they all ended up dropping bc they chose med school/other alternatives, hence only 3 left


of course, because for most of OOP applicants, their home school or schools in their province is ther first choice. And if you're competitve enough to make it to OP schools, then it's highly likely that you can also get in to your IP schools

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