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Easiest to "transfer to" countries for med?

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Hey guys!


I was wondering. Are there particular countries (based on a particular reason?) where a qualified doctor in a certain country could easily move to another country and have their credentials be accepted?


I ask this because my background is law and it's a tad surprising just how "transferable" legal education can be to AN EXTENT. You would think it wouldn't because every country has its own laws - unlike medicine where every country has the SAME HUMAN RACE :P


Like I know that if you get your LLB and/or JD In Canada (a common law system) and get licensed to practice in Canada, you can still practice in the USA and UK as a lawyer fairly easily. All you have to do is right the bar exam of that state/province. There's quite a few countries where one can do this and it's because you have learned the same legal system (common law or civil law)


So does this apply in medicine? If, for example, someone were to get ther MD in the uk and finish their residency there too and be a practicing doctor....could they just get up and move to,say, Canada and practice here? Would all they have to do is pass board exams? Or is it a more tedious process?


Just curious. :) I would think you can since the human body doesn't change in different states :P

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My understanding is that it is much easier to train in Canada an relocate than to train anywhere else in the world and come to Canada. This is probably one of the best (if not the single best) country to train in for portability.


That said, its becoming easier to train elsewhere and come to Canada as we have been using this as a strategy to address our physician shortage. I still wouldn't call it easy though as I've heard horror stories about medical degrees that aren't accepted here.

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thanks for the replies.


You would think that Canada would make it SUPER easy for doctors to come over especially due to our shortage. Especially those trained in countries we 'like'. (Unfortunately those with MDs from countries like...say...Uganda or Iraq are not treated as MDs here) But countries like the UK and US and Germany and France etc which Canada seems to 'approve of'...why not steal away their doctors? ;):P lolll

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thanks for the replies.


You would think that Canada would make it SUPER easy for doctors to come over especially due to our shortage. Especially those trained in countries we 'like'. (Unfortunately those with MDs from countries like...say...Uganda or Iraq are not treated as MDs here) But countries like the UK and US and Germany and France etc which Canada seems to 'approve of'...why not steal away their doctors? ;):P lolll


We don't really have a shortage in many specialties anymore. We actually have far to many in some fields for the amount of work available.

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I'd say you can still set up shop with a primary care specialty in a big city. Regardless, a good family doctor will have high demand. This is one of those things that people do "shop around" for.


You easily could. Lots of people still have a 4-6 week wait to see their Fam Doc. Could get some of them.

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