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For those who have done research/volunteered in Africa

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I was wondering for those of you out there who have done research work/volunteered in Africa, if you could share your experiences ie what resources you read before going there, what were somethings you wish you had known before going abroad, what were some obstacles you faced and what you would differently if you had the chance to go there again.

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  • 5 months later...

I do not have experience doing rotations as a medical student in Africa, but my folks live in South Eastern Africa, and I have done a fair bit of medical stuff in that region (primarily Zambia/Kenya/Malawi) as a PA student and as a PA. I would highly recommend doing a rotation in Africa, but it is hard to give you more info/suggestions without knowing what type of environment you are interested in. Being involved in western run urban clinic/hospital is very different than being involved with a government run urban clinic/hospital which is once again VERY different from being involved with a remote/rural clinic. All of their unique challenges. I would definitely say though that you should pre-read on the bread and butter of tropical medicine (Malaria, HIV, parasites, meningitis, malnutrition etc) Feel free to message me if you have more specific questions.

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