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RBC acount specialist for LOC in Vancouver - any recommendations?


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Hi all,


I'm 2nd year at UBC Med, VFMP, and signed with RBC the summer before 1st year. I saw that the credit limit for med/dent LOC was increased, and wanted to get mine raised as well (I signed when it was $200K). The guy I dealt with at RBC (the Bway and Cambie branch), to put it bluntly, I disliked immensely. He has since left, and his replacement is equally unimpressive. Would anyone recommend any particular med/dent specialist in Vancouver? I don't mind driving around, just want someone who knows what they're doing, and is a generally pleasant individual.


Also, have any current med students tried to raise their credit limit under the new cap? Any insight into what is required/did you have any trouble?


Thanks a ton in advance!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello jO-M


I'm the RBC Student Lending Specialist for UBC based out of the UBC Wesbrook Village Branch on campus. I can most certainly assist you putting in an application to increase your LOC.


Yes, we do have current students who have successfully gained the increase to the new limit.


Please contact me if you need any assistance.


Da-Ke Zhao

UBC Student Lending

UBC Wesbrook Village Branch

5905 Berton Ave




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I applied to med this year and am waiting for result.


quick question...


I canceled service to shaw cable in october and forgot to return equipment (cable box, phone modem, etc...) as a result they sent my file to a collection agent which noted this on my credit report. I received a letter and promptly returned equipment so this is paid in full but i was told that this note will remain on my bureau...


does this jeopardize my chances for med school loc should I be accepted?? everything is in order


Besides the rbc rep does anyone else have a similar experience and still get approved????

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  • 2 weeks later...

For any RBC med loan specialists, or any med student out there that may know...


In the event that someone is moving away from their current place of residence for school, does it matter where we sign our LOC? Can I sign an LOC in my city of residence, or should I wait till I move to a place in the vicinity of the school and sign it there?



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It does not matter. Go where you are comfortable. Moreover, when you move, you are still dealing with an institution and if you are comfortable with the banker with whom you have been dealing, best to stay with that person. I got my LOC in one city, go to med school in another city and it is no big deal. Mind you, I have had nothing to disucss with my banker since the LOC was established and use was commenced.

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For any RBC med loan specialists, or any med student out there that may know...


In the event that someone is moving away from their current place of residence for school, does it matter where we sign our LOC? Can I sign an LOC in my city of residence, or should I wait till I move to a place in the vicinity of the school and sign it there?




It kind of matters

I have my loan with RBC where I went to med school. The person I signed up with initially gave me x-amount on my LOC saying I was approved for the full amount but she would give it to me as I needed. Her way of making sure med students didn't get into more debt then they needed to be (a bit patronizing, but whatever). I increased it once while in med school and didn't have a problem.


Then I moved for residency. When I moved I asked if I should transfer my stuff here. They said no. Then I wanted my LOC increased. Well, they couldn't do it because I had gotten it in another place. Not only that, they said I was never approved for the full amount - which I was unimpressed with since that is not how the rep explained how things were.

So, some many weeks of waiting the new rep here gave me my money, but I guess opened some new LOC. But now I just have interest payments coming out of my account to an LOC I cannot even see on my online banking and for which I don't get any statements. I can't monitor this account. It is ridiculous!! The rep that did that, now doesn't appear in RBCs employee directory. I asked for the name of the new med rep for my area, and of course the branch I was in contact with doesn't give me this name but instead says they can fix it. But they only have regular banking hours. my day starts at 7am and I am done on good days between 5 and 6. So it isn't like I can just stop by. It is a big pain. They said I can call to discuss options - sure, but it isn't like I have breaks at work, and if I do it is unpredictable.


So, people may tell you it doesn't make a difference, but in my experience it does!

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