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MMI Practice

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Dear Premed 101!


Best Buddies UBC is a club that is part of a national charitable organization dedicated to enhancing our communities through one-to-one friendships between people with intellectual disabilities and students. We are happy to announce that this year we are putting on a mock-MMI fundraiser as our annual fundraising effort. Our organization is run solely on our fundraising initiatives such as this one and all the money we raise go into programs for our club.


Our group is comprised of a number of pre-medical students and we know how few opportunities there are for students wanting to practice their MMI skills. And the fact that all the money raised goes to a worthwhile cause makes everyone a winner.


Here are the details:


What: Mock-MMI interviews. The real thing has 11 stations, 7 minutes each and 2 minute transitions. Due to our limitations with space/time, we will be having 7 stations, 5 minutes each followed by a 1 minute feedback, and 1 minute transition.

Where?: UBC Student Union Building -- We will let those who sign up know the exact location within the SUB. The real thing has the each station in a different room, but once again because of our space limitations we have have more than one station set up in multiple rooms of the SUB.

When?: 2 sessions on Saturday, January 28th (one week before the start of the actual UBC MMIs -- Yikes!). First session: 3-4pm, Second session 4:20-5:20pm

Who?: Anybody. You could be a first year who might be interested in medicine down the road or a student who received an interview this year. Feel free to forward this email to your friends who might be interested as well. The interviewers will be students just like yourself, so there is nothing to be intimidated about. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel on the actual day.

Why?: To raise funds for UBC Best Buddies. For more info about the organization check out: http://bestbuddies.ca/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx

How much?: $20 -- remember, it's all for charity.


Sign-up (we will most likely not be able to accommodate all who are interested so to be fair, spots will be given on a first come first serve basis): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFRBTGltZzZqbHE1ZXN5eWlOZVo3V2c6MQ


Questions, comments, fears, or concerns? Contact us at bestbuddiesubc@gmail.com.


PS: To anticipate a question we will probably have, there is no dress code for the mock-MMI (although you can come in a three-piece suit or a dress if you want).



Best Buddies UBC

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