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Interview Prep London?


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Count me in!


Let's get some dates booked.


How are people for reading week? I've got 4 midterms next week so ideally if someone could meet with me either over reading week or any time in March it'd be great (I'm on March 31st for UWO).


We can book a room at one of the libraries, alternately I have an office downtown with a boardroom we could use.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I know that there probably wont be as big of a response for London & Area, but if anyone is interested I would really love some face to face interview prep time!

PM me, or respond here if you're interested :)


I'm interested but PM's are currently down. I set up an email account you guys can mail me at to avoid posting all of our personal's in threads that will be seen by everyone.


Shoot me a message at MedSchoolCanada@gmail.com and we can arrange some dates. Personally I'd like to get something done early March and then again mid March when some of the Med Students can help out during their break.


If you send me a message I'll start a group convo with all of us in it - that way we can keep things together while PM's are broken and the boards are unstable.

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