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Exactly what did you use for your CDA interview prep?

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From those who got in, what resources did you use for your interviews?


I'm applying with pretty much on par stats with the admissions stats for most schools and I really just need to lock down a strong interview.


If anyone can shed some light on exactly what resources they used to prepare that'd be great.


I have a bank of questions, I've contacted Astroff, Lawson and those types of people (who charge money I don't necessarily have for assistance). I'm more interested in maybe some books that can tell me exactly what interviewers are looking for in my answers.


Thanks for your help in advance

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where are u from


ask a dental student-see if you can get a dental student to tutor you. if you have the bank of questions you just need to know what they are looking for in interviews (for CDA anyways)


btw this is what i did and got a 31.5/35 on the interview at alberta (last cycle using CDA). ask your own dentist if you have to

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where are u from


ask a dental student-see if you can get a dental student to tutor you. if you have the bank of questions you just need to know what they are looking for in interviews (for CDA anyways)


btw this is what i did and got a 31.5/35 on the interview at alberta (last cycle using CDA). ask your own dentist if you have to


May I ask what they are looking for in interviews...? Im very confused about this.

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basically your answer has to be logical-well thought out. make sure your answers are a step by step answer. take 15 seconds to collect your thoughts before you answer-you will probably need this to think of a scenerio anyways


ie. if this happened i would do this, but if that didnt happen i would do this instead.


Basically thats 3 points to the whole interview.


ex. if you saw someone cheating on an exam what would you do:


start with I would ask them to make sure to see what i saw. then after that there are 2 possible directions you can take depending on what they say etc. explain one fully then go back and explain the other direction after. (ie explain what you would do if they didnt say they cheated or if they did say they cheated but wouldnt confess) etc etc.


my answers took probably a good 5 minutes per. but some other people only needed 3-4. dont be afraid of taking a long time but make sure your points are valid

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I used dental interview plus and aced my interview by using their structure and then doing a ton of prep work regarding content for the behavioural type questions vis a vis my own personal background. For situational I used the suggested structure to prep with a ton of practice questions so that I practiced working through the formula/structure/order in my head to ensure all answers were organized.

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