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What about the english class in CEGEP?


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Hi everyone,


I have a question to ask you. I am in english 102 (which is the second best class) and I'm having a test on friday to make sure that I'm on the correct level. I think I can show in this test that I could handle english 103 (which is the best one). The only issue I have is that I don't know if it is worth it. I can get higher grades in 102 (so a higher r-score), but is it an advantage being in 103 when you apply in McGill? Because I'd like to go to this university and I wanted to know if they look at this detail or only at the R-score in my english class.


Thank you.

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My advice to you is definitely stay in 102, it does not affect your McGill application in ANY way :) I was in 102 myself and most of med ps are francophone anyways (i am in medp at mcgill currently). Also McGill lets you do your interview in French -- clearly they are not looking exclusively for anglophones.


If you feel the slightest bit uncertain about your capacities in 103, for sure stay in 102! Only go up a level if you are absolutely confident you can handle it :)

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J'ai fait anglais 103 au CEGEP. C'était intéressant (on faisait de la littérature), ce qui est un plus par rapport à 102... Mes amis en 102 faisaient beaucoup de grammaire et avaient l'air de ne pas trop aimé leur cours. Par contre, j'ai eu une de mes pires cotes R en anglais :( J'étais assez bonne pour être en 103, mais j'étais moins bonne que les autres. Je pense que j'aurais eu une meilleure cote en 102.


Et bref comme le dit feversugar, McGill ne regarde pas si tu as fait 102 ou 103, ou même 101, 100... ;)

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