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I've looked around quite a bit and haven't found any real answers for what do do about prerequisites from CEGEP.

In the AMCAS manual, it says that the classes I did in CEGEP can only be listed as AP, but many of the prereqs can't be completed by an AP class.... so what am I supposed to do? Retake the classes, but at a university instead? Or is there a way I can message every school and have them accept my classes??


If anybody knows someone who went through the Quebec system to get into an american medical school, PLEASE let me know!!



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i've started my bachelor's already, and have done all the prereqs for the states, but they don't accept all of them (mostly chemistry and english). So basically, I still have prereqs i'm gonna have to redo or something. im not applying for undergrad in the states! I'm going to apply for med in about a year and a half

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