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applying to states and rewriting the mcat


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Last summer i wrote the MCAT and I got a 30, I think I am going to rewrite it so I am more competitive in the states. I know they have rolling admissions in the states and you can submit applications starting on june 1st. If I apply on June 1st when would I have to release my scores? would I have time to write in say mid june and release in july? Can anyone give me any advice on this top???

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Last summer i wrote the MCAT and I got a 30, I think I am going to rewrite it so I am more competitive in the states. I know they have rolling admissions in the states and you can submit applications starting on june 1st. If I apply on June 1st when would I have to release my scores? would I have time to write in say mid june and release in july? Can anyone give me any advice on this top???




You dont have to release your score - AMCAS and MCAT are both AAMC so your schools will be automatically updated with your new score (whether you tell them about it or not).


So submit on June 1st and indicate you have new scores coming in (there is a place to do this). That way schools wont review your appliction - label it "complete" - until they receive your new scores.

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You dont have to release your score - AMCAS and MCAT are both AAMC so your schools will be automatically updated with your new score (whether you tell them about it or not).


So submit on June 1st and indicate you have new scores coming in (there is a place to do this). That way schools wont review your appliction - label it "complete" - until they receive your new scores.



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What a lot of people on SDN do is submit june 1 with only 1 school. Then once they know their mcat they add more.


This way you know the score you have and can apply to schools (or not apply) accordingly. Further, you are ahead of the game in getting your transcript verified which is the bottleneck in the primary submission process.

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I know practically nothing about american applications...this seems like very useful advice...thank you...you are a gentleman and a scholar


What a lot of people on SDN do is submit june 1 with only 1 school. Then once they know their mcat they add more.


This way you know the score you have and can apply to schools (or not apply) accordingly. Further, you are ahead of the game in getting your transcript verified which is the bottleneck in the primary submission process.

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