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MMI prep in downtown Toronto

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Maybe 30 is too ambitious for the first meet up, try comming up with 5 questions/scenarios. Also, we can each write up a response to the example questions that were given to us and go over them too. I was thinking lets set a date for around the 18th? That way everyone has ample time to prepare. Can everyone send me their schedules for the 17th, 18th and 19th and 20th?

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18-25 is reading week. I propose that we meet after then so that we can use reading week to:

1. Chillax. Seriously, its been WAY hectic getting to this point and I think a break is in order (at least for me).

2. Use the time to go over some scenarios (many of us have exams/assignments due in the next week so we probably won't have time to look over this stuff until the break).

3. Introspection :D

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18-25 is reading week. I propose that we meet after then so that we can use reading week to:

1. Chillax. Seriously, its been WAY hectic getting to this point and I think a break is in order (at least for me).

2. Use the time to go over some scenarios (many of us have exams/assignments due in the next week so we probably won't have time to look over this stuff until the break).

3. Introspection :D


Im on board with this haha. Btw pm isn't working right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone,


Got a small group together for MMI prep...but looking for more!


We're getting together at UTSG Campus Wednesday February 29th at 6:00pm. Meet inside the main entrance of the Gerstein library if you're interested in joining (we'll find you... :P)! Please bring a few scenarios with you.


The session will be run in accordance with standard MMI guidelines. 2 minutes to read, 8 minutes to answer. Feedback. Rotate. We'll be covering a broad range of topics, so it doesn't matter which school your MMI is at...there will definitely be appropriate scenarios for you!

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